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 “The best relationships in our lives are the best not because they have been the happiest ones, they are that way because they have stayed strong through the most tormentor of solar storms.”


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     Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking

     Most of us wish we could improve certain things about ourselves.
    Lasting change is difficult—many of our habits are deeply ingrained, and certain core personality attributes may be immutable.
    But many more things can be changed. It's never too late, and with effort and determination, it is possible to be the person you want to be.

    There are some general strategies that a person can use to help manage their anxiety. Although it is always a good idea to seek professional help if you have an anxiety disorder, especially in more severe cases, help is not always readily available. Even if you do decide to seek help, there are still a number of things that you can do on your own to better manage your anxiety.

    Distressing Physical Arousal – sympathetic arousal causes the heart thumping, pulse-racing, dizzy, tingly, shortness of breath physical symptoms, that can come out of the blue and are intolerable when not understood

    Method 1: Manage the body.

    • Eat right
    • Avoid alcohol, nicotine, sugar and caffeine
    • Exercise
    • On going self care
    • Sleep
    • Consider hormonal changes


    Method 2: Breathe

    Breathing will slow down or stop the stress response
    Do the conscious, deep breathing for about 1 minute at a time, 10-15 times per day every time you are waiting for something eg., the phone to ring, an appointment, the kettle to boil, waiting in a line etc.


    Method 3: Mindful Awareness

    Close your eyes and breathe; noticing the body, how the intake of air feels, how the heart beats, what sensations you can feel in the gut etc
    • With eyes still closed, purposefully shift your awareness away from your body to everything you can hear or smell or feel through your skin
    • Shift awareness back and forth from your body to what’s going on around you
    You will learn in a physical way that you can control what aspects of the world – internal or external –you’ll notice, giving you an internal locus of control and learning that when you can ignore physical sensations, you can
    stop making the catastrophic interpretations that bring on panic or worry. It allows you to feel more in control and mindful of the present.

    Method 4: Don’t listen when worry calls your name

    This feeling of dread and tension comprises a state of low grade fear, which can also cause other physical symptoms, like headache, temporomandibular joint pain and ulcers. The feeling of dread is just the emotional manifestation of physical tension.
    You must first learn that worry is a habit with a neurobiological underpinning. Then apply relaxation to counteract the tension that is building up.
    This ‘Don’t Listen’ method decreases the tension by combining a decision to ignore the voice of worry with a cue for the relaxation state.
    To stop listening to the command to worry, you can say to yourself: “Its just my anxious brain firing wrong”. This is the cue to begin relaxation breathing which will stop the physical sensations of dread that trigger the radar.

    Method 5: Knowing, Not Showing, Anger

    When you fear anger because of past experience, the very feeling of anger, even though it remains unconscious, can produce anxiety To know you’re angry doesn’t require you to show you’re angry.
    A simple technique: Next time you feel stricken with anxiety, you should sit down and write as many answers as possible to this question, “If I were angry, what might I be angry about?” Restrict answers to single words or brief phrases.
    This may open the door to get some insight into the connection between your anger and your anxiety.

    Method 6: Have a Little Fun

    Laughing is a great way to increase good feelings and discharge tension. Getting in touch with fun and play isn’t easy for the serious, tense worrier.
    A therapy goal could be simply to relearn what you had fun doing in the past and prescribe yourself some fun.

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